The Bi-National Experiencehuman2human

The Bi-National Experience

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Raised in America but Nigerian by blood and culture, Stacy dedicates this episode to being bi-national and the bi-national experience. Speaking to the fear and shame of not feeling “enough” in either culture, listen in as Stacy shares some of the triggers and difficult experiences she had to learn and grow through on her journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

So for those of you who grew up not wanting your teachers to know what kind of home you came from, or have your parent’s thick accent answer the phone, or just didn’t like how your food smelled at lunch, this ode to the bi-national experience is for you.


  • Not feeling Nigerian enough, American enough, or even Black enough
  • Trying to “fit in” and be understood growing up Nigerian in America
  • Triggers that made Stacy question her own truth
  • Honoring both sides of your bi-national experience
  • The insight, skill, and privilege of being bi-national


“I just wanted them all to integrate because I didn't want these lives to feel separate. But at the same time, I still felt like I didn't know how to speak to both of those lives.”

“It's such a privilege to be able to experience two different worlds in the same lifetime - to be able to merge those worlds, to be able to visit two different worlds, live in two different worlds, and to understand them.”

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Stacy’s ability to connect with her guests and creating a safe space for them to tell their stories is so special. Her passion and purpose are clear as day in the work she does. This isn’t your ordinary podcast by any means.

Khaila Ariel

What can I say? Real conversations, real vulnerability, real transparency. If you’re searching, learning and growing, this podcast and show is a great guide and companion. And hearing my faves on this show share more of themselves has been a real treat. Love that this is in podcast form.


I always learn something new. Super enlightening conversations I’m able to take beyond the podcast and discuss further with friends!

Yaz Felice

Stacy has real conversations with some pretty incredible people & you need to check out this podcast immediately!

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