The Unhealthy Truth About Going Through Your Mans Phone and Going From Victim To Volunteer in Relationships with Kristel DavidRich In Real Life

The Unhealthy Truth About Going Through Your Mans Phone and Going From Victim To Volunteer in Relationships with Kristel David

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Oh Jess.........what can I say about this girl I feel like I’ve known her for years lol ....she inspires me almost daily, she is a mirror of strength, perseverance, determination, I could go on and on. She is transparent in her podcasts giving us all inspiration and motivation to be the best versions of ourselves. I LOVE listening to her and look forward to her posts and podcasts. Thanks jess for giving so much of yourself!!!!! XO

Rich In Real Life

I loved this last episode!! I’m sure there are many people listening who struggled with having a relationship with God, or don’t know where to start or think they have to be perfect to come to him.. but really God wants us in all our mess! Trust! I’ve been there growing up in church it’s a struggle! but having God in my life is better then going without him I’ve tried it my way and it never works! God always give us what we want so we can truly see it wasn’t what we REALLY wanted! As I’m listening I’m like where is my Hillary! Or am I her? Lol Having a sister in Christ to go to things with or discuss is probably the most encouraging thing to have! But at times God will have us in seasons as he did David in the Bible where he encouraged himself to get through! Keep going up J! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Rich In Real Life

So inspirational, informative, & real! I just found her & I am currently binging!

Milagro Lo
Rich In Real Life

I love listening to The Stranded Podcast! Jessica is so transparent and her guests are always so inspirational.

Rich In Real Life
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