When my "One year ago today" facebook photo popped up this week, I couldn't believe the flooding feelings I felt about where I was at a year ago.
Just 365 days ago I'd just left the hospital from visiting my son at the NICU, we put a "2 month old" shirt on him and celebrated with kisses and taking photos. I then drove to Miami for work and dove head first into overwhelm and guilt the whole ride over. I felt like everything I knew had come to an end, the "preemie mom" I was about to become was going to be hard, and I had no idea how to bare the guilt of my sons health. I couldn't see a future anymore in those moments, I could barely figure out how to deal with tomorrow.
When I think back to those moments, I can easily recall saying last year was the worst year of my life several times. Know my worst year was jus 365 days ago is crazy and thats why I did this episode, because I am currently living "my best life" this year. I've never been this happy and never had more confidence in my abilities that I found this year.
In this episode, I discuss the defining factor this year that helped me change and illustrate one of the best years of my life. We also discuss one of my recent goals I crossed off my list by crushing a women's mastermind this past weekend!
Video details coming soon but it was so good we've already planned the second one. Check out the link below:
I love how after listening to these episodes it gets me to reflect on myself more and more. I love how raw Jessica is and what I’m feeling others have experienced. It makes me feel that I’m not alone. I absolutely loved this Episode 4 Reasons Why You Might Be Blocking Your Blessings. It’s funny because I was conversing with my BF and telling him how stuck I feel and than I seen that she posted this Episode. Talk about Devine timing :). I know what my goals are and my dreams but I’m stuck in this “How” phase and I keep harping on it. Harping on it isn’t going to help me any I just have to move and it’ll all come together eventually. I really felt this Episode was for me and gave me clarity. Now it’s time for me to take Action. ❤️
This podcast has all the tools to help you figure it out. Highly recommend!
I love listening to this podcast. Jessica always keeps it 10000%
This podcast is full of golden nuggets. First of all, she’s a woman after my own heart. Her desire to help people through their stick phase comes from a genuine place. Each episode, whether solo or with a guest, is jam packed with transformational information that you can apply to your personal and professional life. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
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