It's Time to Talk about Money and ditching Starbucks With the Penny Hoarders Lisa RowanRich In Real Life

It's Time to Talk about Money and ditching Starbucks With the Penny Hoarders Lisa Rowan

If you've had enough of getting that "low balance" notification from your bank than this is the episode for YOU! I know it was for me as our guest, Dear Penny Columnist and Penny Hoarder Senior Writer, Lisa Rowan joins us and schools us all about the importance of understanding your money.

From a realistic and non-judgemental standpoint, we get Lisa to open up about why buying a house isn't a right of passage anymore to becoming an adult in 2018. For those new to financial management, she's breaking down for us an easy place to start slowly understanding where all of our money goes.

And from emergency funds to investing in our business, she tells us exactly what to prioritize. She even gives me an ah-ha moment about savings. MOST IMPORTANTLY, she answers my burning question about weather or not I need to ditch the Starbucks habit if I want to safe money going in to 2019.

This episode is a must for anyone trying to finally take control of their finances and unsure where to start. This interview changed my life starting today with how I spend and save money.

Check out Lisa's Dear Penny Column in The Tampa Bay Times as well as her other articles at the link below:

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I love listening to The Stranded Podcast! Jessica is so transparent and her guests are always so inspirational.

Rich In Real Life

This podcast never disappoints me! I listen to it every time Jessica comes out with a new episode. I’ve learn so much self development with this. Thank you!

Rich In Real Life

I appreciate Jessica’s authenticity. I just started listening to her podcast and follow her on IG. I don’t have friends that are like minded that I feel I can talk to or seek advice, so listening is so refreshing. I like how she shares her own experiences and the advice that she’s learning along the way. I’m excited to where your journey takes her. I will definitely going back to listen to her previous podcasts.

Rich In Real Life

I love listening to this podcast. Jessica always keeps it 10000%

Rich In Real Life
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