Are you struggling with defining the value of your products and what to charge? Wondering if your ideal client will actually pay that or if your just one of the ones that serve clients you love but they just can't afford those high tickets programs you want to create?
Or maybe you've been dying to put your voice out there and really step out into the online market because you know your capable but your struggling to identify what your "thing" is and how to sell it?
Todays episode is with personal brand strategist and rockstar, Maya Elious. If you don't know, now you know and you are WELCOME!
So many influencers are telling you to open your mouth and charge what you are worth but Maya explains how we all have a very clear gift and that it is time to learn how to articulate it, package it, and add value to it. For those of you looking to truly master your message and finally package your expertise, this episode is a MUST!
Learn more about todays guest:
I don’t even listen to podcasts, but this here is the bomb .com, blue ray CD Ram, for your girl and you Mom, kwanza Ramadan, lakemsalam, lotion in your palm, and some lip balm.Basically, it’s really good!
I’m an avid listener of Jessica’s podcast & I love it more & more every time I listen! I enjoy her transparency, go getter attitude & her words of encouragement! Thanks for giving us this to help navigate or “stranded phases”!
Great podcasts!I encourage you to listen to her podcasts from the beginning and enjoy the journey with her.From voicing her own doubts, fears and insecurities to her journey to overcome them.She compels her audience to feel every emotion.Her podcasts are full of interesting topics and insightful guests and never disappoints.Listen to just one episode and you’ll be hooked.Enjoy!
Jessica has great content in her podcast. I’d recommend this to not only women but men as well.
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