Women are often told that they can’t have both; that we are doomed to choose between high levels of success or deep, loving relationships in our lives. Well, it’s time to shatter that notion and create a new one for ourselves because believe it or not, you CAN have both. How, exactly?
In this episode, we are joined by feminine energy coach, Vanessa Nance, to explain the dynamics between our masculine and feminine energies, how to reconnect with them, and how to balance them. You will learn to embrace and tap into the power of your feminine energy in relationships, all while standing firm in your masculine abilities. So join Jessica and Vanessa as they take a deep dive into the fundamentals of dating and relationships, and uncover the key to manifesting your greatest love vision.
“Mirror a man's level of effort, but don't exceed it.”
“Seek and you shall find. If you are seeking evidence that your partner's liking other people, you're going to find it. Your mind is that powerful. You're going to go look for something that's going to affirm it.”
“Every time you see what you don't want, you're actually getting more clarity on what it is you do want.”
CLAIMED with Anna Rova podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/claimed-feminine-masculine-polarity-femininity-embodiment/id1296155915
Visit Vanessa’s website at www.magneticfeminine.com
Follow Vanessa on Instagram @magnetic_feminine - https://www.instagram.com/magnetic_feminine/
Contact Vanessa at vanessa@magneticfeminine.com
Love what you’re hearing? Follow Jessica Hurley on social media and share the love!
Instagram @jessicahurley__ - https://www.instagram.com/jessicahurley__/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thestrandedphase/
Visit The Stranded Phase website at http://www.thestrandedphase.com/
Gain access to more of Jessica’s resources here: https://linktr.ee/jessicahurley__
The Stranded Phase is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at www.instapodcasts.com)
Loved the energy and story of struggle/triumph!
I love listening to this podcast. Jessica always keeps it 10000%
Tune in. You will leave inspired to keep pushing through whatever situation you are in. Valuable information!!
I appreciate Jessica’s authenticity. I just started listening to her podcast and follow her on IG. I don’t have friends that are like minded that I feel I can talk to or seek advice, so listening is so refreshing. I like how she shares her own experiences and the advice that she’s learning along the way. I’m excited to where your journey takes her. I will definitely going back to listen to her previous podcasts.
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